Wisdom Chapp-Jumbo
2 min readJun 13, 2019



On this subject matter, whenever I have a chat with my colleagues and friends within the political space, it is always an unending sad discussion. Obviously, it is the same with many of you as we all may have lost hope in this Democracy.

While we celebrate the last 20 years of this uninterrupted Democracy, it should also be a reminder that there is more work to be done to keep this Democracy together.

The last few years have been very challenging for us, about 45 percent of people in Nigeria live in extreme poverty, economic growth has slowed, unemployment is high like never before, and insecurity across the country has astronomically increased.

20 years on after 30 years of military rule, Nigeria remains undeveloped, hindered by insensitive politics and politicians with failed institutions. So, what has been the democratic dividend for Nigerians?

There may be no progress for our democracy unless we make deliberate attempt to make it thrive, and there must be basic features we need to urgently address,

1. Free and fair elections
2. A vibrant opposition
3. Rule of law/supremacy of the constitution,
4. An independent judiciary
5. Respect for human rights.
6. and Gender Inclusion

As we celebrate today, this and many other issues we all need to reflect on. And lastly, we need to always remember that the change we want for Nigeria only begins with us.

Happy #DemocracyDay Nigeria.

By: Wisdom Chapp-Jumbo
Political Analyst and Commentator.



Wisdom Chapp-Jumbo

A Public Relations and Comms Specialist. Public Affairs Analyst Passionate about Leadership, Politics and Sustainable Development.